How to see the order of poker cards

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There are 10 types of poker cards sequences, from largest to smallest. with the following order: ทางเข้า UFABET

1. Royal Flush (Royal Flush) or Royal Straight Flush is cards 10 , J , Q , K , A lined up and must have the same suit. 
If it’s the same, look at the flowers. 
They are arranged in order from large to small: spades, hearts, diamonds and clubs.

2. Straight Flush  , arranged in a row with the same suit.

3. Four of a kind  , 4 cards of the same rank.

4. Full House (Full House)  poker cards has 1 Tong and 1 pair, which must be bigger than the pair

5. Flush (Flush)  All 5 cards of the same flower. 
If they are the same again, see which flower is bigger.

6. Straight (Straight) 
 cards arranged in a sequence starting from A , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 lowest, the highest is 10 , J , Q , K , A

If they are in the same order, see the highest points you hold. 
If they are the same again, look at the flowers

7. Three of kind
 have 3 cards of the same rank

8. 2 pairs (Two pairs)  have 2 pairs of cards of the same rank. If the pairs collide, see who has the bigger pair. 
If pairs collide again, look at the remaining card points.

9. 1 pair (One pair)  has 1 pair of cards of the same point. If they collide, look at the remaining points. Who is bigger than each other.

10. High card (High card)  has no cards. under all the conditions mentioned above 
Let’s see who holds the bigger cards. 
In order from high to low are A , K , Q , J , 10 , 9 , 8 , 7 , 6 , 5 , 4 , 3 , 2. If high cards collide, look at the next high card.